
Thursday, October 06, 2016

Linc's First Zoo Day

I went ahead and decided to share a Zoo pass with another family, and I'm so glad I did! Lindsey hooked me up and it's an upgrade from the one I shared years ago with Amanda. Now that I have two kids it makes sense to have more bells and whistles on the pass (it allows me to bring more people in with me) and I still get to share the cost so it's worth it.

Linky and I went on the sly Tuesday morning while Aspen was at school. She recently told her Uncle Seth that I do all sorts of fun things with just Linc and leave her out. I think she referred to school as "prison" or something. In reality, I spend every morning playing cars and Spiderman with Linc, or working at the daycare with him (where he literally beats up other kids and spends lots of time screaming in the pack 'n play in timeout), or leaving him home with Kevin while I'm at school myself. I told Aspen I'm basically counting down the minutes every day until NAP TIME so I can do homework or shower without an audience. But I blew my own cover when we went to the zoo without her *insert laughing-til-you-cry emoji here*.

But, really, I'll take her too. And remind her that before Linc was born, she and I did millions and billions of fun things together that I definitely haven't done with Linc.

The look on Linky's face is so worth any wrath dished out by Aspen. He was mesmerized by the train, the carousel and the animals. He hasn't been to the zoo since he grew up into a real toddler person, so it was awesome to see his reaction to everything.

He really loved the elephants and the rhinos. We were able to see the elephants getting a little inspection from their handlers and eating their food. Linc thought it was funny that elephants can lift food off the ground with their noses.

Nap time for this monkey. Since Linc didn't want to ride in a stroller, he got to run around the whole zoo for two hours. His nap time was pretty awesome later in the afternoon (hashtag MOMWIN).

The last time I went to the zoo, I think it was when Linc was a tiny newborn. Aspen rode the peacock seat on the carousel while I sat and nursed Linc on a bench. For this visit, Linc was weary of the machine, but I suggested the bench. Next time he might be brave enough to ride an animal, but we'll see. I got motion-sick on it so maybe he and Aspen will sit on the bench together while I stand on the sidelines and try not to barf.

Seriously, his look of wonder throughout the morning was so awesome. We spent a lot of time the little critters' habitat (which was nice since it was cold outside) and he kept asking to look for more animals. He was so interested in everything he didn't even pester me for snacks, which he's SUPER good at. We ended our visit with some lunch in the sunshine, and then Linc was determined to follow big kid field trip groups all the way up the hill out of the zoo. I was impressed that he ran nearly the entire way up and out.

I haven't even told Aspen yet that I have a zoo pass, and hopefully word won't get out until a day when I can take her, too. It's not like she hasn't been eleventy billion times, but now we have a pass that includes the train and carousel so I'm sure she'll be excited.

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