
Thursday, December 31, 2015

Goodbye, 2015.

Here's a roundup of our 2015, month-by-month:

In January we were able to spend one free night at Kev's work, and it was glorious. Linc slept in the master bathroom and we got one of the most restful nights of sleep in months. Aspen still talks about that one time we went to dad's hotel and went swimming in the winter. My sister also got married in January and it was lovely to see so much of our family that month.

In February it was warm enough to go to the park in just sweatshirts! I also didn't sleep much this month, either.

In March Aspen's tic-cough about drove me insane, and I started a selfie challenge with the kids. Still no sleeping.

In April I turned 30, and I got some amazing Easter pictures of the kids. We also went to the zoo as a whole family! On the spur of the moment! Wee! Little sleep was had by me.

In May, Kev's health took a bad turn but we somehow survived. I still affectionately refer to the whole thing as "THAT DAMN MECKEL." Before the Meckel we did have a fun visit to the farm. Linc also got his super-expensive Canadian bouncer, and I started writing my book in earnest. Kev's sister Tiff came to town to help me recover from the stress of Kev's hospitalization and it was such a wonderful visit despite the circumstances. There was an increase in the sleeping.

In June Linc turned ONE! I took him and Aspen to This Is The Place to celebrate (free admission thanks to my work!). We hosted an Arrested Development-themed party for Linc and Aspen filled out another questionnaire for Father's Day. Kev and I also celebrated our 9th anniversary by doing absolutely nothing, but I did wake up to fresh-picked wildflowers. We all had another lovely visit to one of my favorite places- Silver Lake. Sleeping continued to be a fickle mistress.

In July Lincoln started walking, and I took the kids to see the Pioneer Day floats at the Expo Center. Aspen turned five, we went to the zoo one last time with our pass, and Aspen got to camp outside in her CARS tent for the first time. Linc slipped into a sleep routine of waking up between 6-7am, but sleeping almost through the night.

In August I gave Linc his first haircut, and my parents came to visit. We celebrated some family birthdays and went to the new Aquarium. At the end of the month (in 100* temps!) Aspen started Kindergarten. There were more nights of good rest, with early-morning wake ups.

In September Linc and I worked hard on finding a good schedule with my hours at work and Aspen's afternoon school. Writer's block hit me pretty hard and continued through October. At this time, Kev was solely responsible for Linc in the night as often as possible.

In October I took the kids to hunt witches at Gardner Village, and the whole family went on the Heber Creeper with our friends Kimberly and Brad. The kids had a great Halloween, and I took them to Wheeler Farm to ride the tractor and visit their "pumpkin patch." Linc started sleeping a little later in the mornings, and I sometimes had to wake him and Aspen at 730 so I could get them ready to go to work with me.

In November I took Aspen to see Disney on Ice with two of her cousins, and she got to have a sleepover. I didn't blog about it, but I hosted some of Sophia's in-laws for Thanksgiving and we enjoyed a huge meal together. Also not pictured: No-Shave November happened in our house. Strangely, it continued through December. Linc woke many nights this month and needed Kev to sit in his room with him until he fell back asleep on his own in his crib. Kev ended up falling asleep on the floor himself and spending quality time with Linc (*sarcasm*).

In December I took the kids to see the Festival of Trees and the whole family hunted for elves at Gardner Village. We spent an afternoon and evening in Ogden at the Christmas Village and a wedding reception, and we had a wonderful Christmas. Linc rarely woke any nights this month and he routinely started sleeping until 7 or later in the mornings.

It's been a very full year, and two things I'm very grateful for are Kev's improved health, and Linc's improved sleeping habits. He now sleeps! Although he doesn't go to sleep without being nursed or bounced, at least I get 12 hours out of him nearly every night. I don't even remember when sleep became the norm... but it just did. AND I'M SO GRATEFUL.

This year had a lot of challenges, but a lot of blessings, too. We were able to start doing more together as a family as I came out of zombie mode. I look forward to 2016 and all that we'll experience since I'm no longer a shut-in!

Happy New Year!

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1 comment:

  1. The Triplett FamilySaturday, January 02, 2016

    Happy New Year! I hope 2016 is a wonderful one for your cute family.

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