
Saturday, December 05, 2015

Festival of Trees

Yesterday after school I took the kids to the Festival of Trees at the Expo. I'd never been before so I was looking forward to it myself!
After two rows of trees, Aspen complained and said she wanted to look at the gingerbread houses. For some reason, she was really excited about them. So we made our way through the crowds and she was captivated by all the different designs.

It was her favorite part, and she was so into all the details. She kept telling me everything she saw and it was so rewarding to watch her reaction to each new house. Linc enjoyed eating snacks basically the entire time.

Every tree we looked at elicited a yell of "BALL!" from Lincoln. And the Snoopy tree got him really excited about dogs.

Seeing the Disney trees throughout the festival made me miss the Tinkerbell stage Aspen was in. She used to wear her green dress every day because it was just like Tink's. *insert nostalgic sigh here*

I'd love to make this a yearly tradition with the kids, and I'm glad I was able to go despite not feeling awesome yesterday.

And I'm REALLY glad we found a parking spot so miraculously close to the building, and that Linc stayed in his stroller almost completely without complaint. I let him out when we decided it was time to leave, and thankfully he kept his little paws off all the displays.

It's been so fun to not only have the kids enjoying the activities in our advent calendar, but also doing some of these last-minute surprise activities as well. I feel like I'm almost back to my old self, leaving the house by myself with the kids just for the heck of it. Look at me go! It's a Christmas miracle!

Tonight I'm thinking I might surprise the kids with dinner at Chick-Fil-A and then a visit to City Hall to see Santa arrive on a fire truck. Kev has to work swing the next three days so I figure I'm bound to have hectic nights anyway; why not try to make it a fun kind of hectic?!

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