One of these days I'm going to have the family dress in coordinating outfits and it'll be so darling. But, for now, Aspen randomly comes up with whatever she wants, and Linc wears clothes from his closet that slightly resemble something. HA!
Halloween was a fun day this year. After Linc's nap, Aspen said she wanted to DO something. I asked what she meant, and she said she wanted to get in the car and go somewhere. So I fed the kids their lunch and surprised them with a visit to Wheeler Farm's (sad little) "pumpkin patch."
When Aspen realized where I was driving, she started complaining and told me she didn't want to go to the farm and just walk around I'M THE WORST MOM EVER!
So I calmly explained that if she could stop whining, I was planning to actually pay money to do something extra at the farm. I know, shocker!
We did the wagon ride and the maze and the pumpkin patch and it was obviously much more fun than just walking the boring old farm
Kev had to work during the day, so he sadly missed the fun. Poor guy. On the plus side, it meant I only bought a ticket for Aspen and for myself so... yay?
It was a good start to our Halloween festivities! Once Kev got home and we finished dinner, the kids got ready and we set out for some trick-or-treating. I'm always torn between going and staying home; I want to see the kids enjoy themselves, but I also want to hand out candy at our house. Last year I don't think I went out with Kev and Aspen (because I'd just taken the kids to South Towne Mall for treating), but we didn't get many kids at our house. This year we missed it altogether since it took me so long to get Linc in bed.
I'm so glad the weather was so beautiful! I couldn't have asked for a better night. We didn't have to wear coats at the beginning, so Aspen could show off her costume in the daylight without freezing.
Thankfully Linc was pretty good about being in and out of the stroller. He loved running around with Aspen, taking handfuls of candy (sorry!) and seeing all the decor at people's homes. Everyone was thrilled when we came across some kittens, too.
I took Linc home around 730 and he had a total meltdown. After over an hour, though, I figured the little one could be done! He'd taken a terrible nap (only THIRTY MINUTES) and was already over-tired. I knew DST would screw us over further so I just wanted to try getting some good sleep. Aspen and Kev continued on without us and she got so much candy. Like, an unbelievable amount of candy. I need to ration it out to her because although we have a "two-pieces-per-day" rule, I know she's sneaking candy because her room smells like chocolate and her trash can is suspiciously full of wrappers. Bless her little chocoholic heart.
It was a really fun night, and I hope that someday I can convince both kids to dress up as pennies (Aspen = Penny // Lincoln = Abe). Wouldn't that be so CUTE?! Or maybe we could cater to Linc's love of birds and he could be Hedwig, Aspen could be Hermione, I could be Harry Potter and Kev could be Ron. OH THE POSSIBILITIES.
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