My friend Kimberly recommended what turned out to be such a fun group of books that I just plowed through in about three weeks. I didn't anticipate enjoying them so much, nor did I think I'd actually have time to read all the titles I got from the library. But Lincoln has been blessing us with consistent sleep at night and I'm starting to use my time for things other than collapsing on my bed at 830p to go to sleep for the night.
So, these books. They're by Jeanne Birdsall and they're about her imaginary Penderwick sisters. It's Young Adult Lit and set on the east coast. Reading them made me wish I was spending time in Maine this summer, enjoying the beach with my kids! And there's really nothing like a good YA novel to get you back in the reading groove.
If you're interested, the books are as follows:
The Penderwicks: A Summer Tale of Four Sister, Two Rabbits and a Very Interesting Boy
The Penderwicks on Gardam Street
The Penderwicks at Point Mouette
The Penderwicks in Spring
I also randomly browsed the YA section of my library and picked up an Ally Condie book I hadn't yet read. Long ago I was able to review the first in her Matched trilogy, so I was happy to see something else from her. Atlantia has some mystery as well as Condie's familiar Sci-Fi/Fantasy slant. I don't normally go for that genre, but she does it well.
So... if you've been looking for something to read, there ya go!
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