
Monday, May 04, 2015

Merry Muscles Jumper

Linc's a big boy. So big, in fact, that when I finally got serious about getting him a Johnny Jumper, I realized he was too big for them. SAAAAAD.

Thankfully one of my friends started poking around online and she came across a jumper with a higher weight limit (30lbs). I would've done more research myself at the time, but I was locked in Linc's room with him trying to nap him so I wasn't able to be so productive.

She came across this Canadian-made jumper that's designed by an occupational therapist. It's awesome because it doesn't have accessories jingling around on it, and it's designed more for exercise than just for letting a kid hang out. I don't know if you realize how much Linc likes to bounce, but it's pretty intense. If you try to hold his hands while he's standing (encouraging him to walk) he'll actually just try to bounce instead. I sometimes spend far too long holding him on my lap, bouncing him until my legs ache.

So I'm really happy to have this jumper. Linc can bounce and twirl and be content by himself for 30 minutes or so while I have my hands free. I actually like that it screws directly into a ceiling joist, too. We have the perfect spot for it that allows for Linc to still be in the midst of all the action.

Yes, it cost a small fortune (shipping alone was insane) but my sanity is totally worth it.

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