Since Linc is super-attached to me, it's not practical for me to take a vacation and have some serious me-time. But we sure made do having Tiff stay for a week and respond to the majority of the kids' needs while I relaxed or left the house without either of them. Kev and I even had a date!! I can't remember the last time we went on a date. It's possible we had to take Linc with us on our last date, and I think that was in December. Obviously, we needed this. I needed this. Additionally, it was nice having someone around who could laugh when I rolled my eyes at all of Aspen's outbursts, or Linc's obsessive need to have me in his line of sight AT ALL TIMES. It was fun to have someone go to the mall with and to make meals with and to sit and talk with about blogging and Instagram. I enjoyed being able to talk with her about her online magazine, Fashion Opp, and to listen to her dreams for it. It was a nice break from always discussing kids and kid-related things.
Also thanks to Tiff's visit, I got so much extra rest I stayed up after putting Linc to bed and did yoga for the first time in months. Usually I crash about an hour after Linc is asleep so I can get a couple of hours in before I'm up again. But knowing Tiff was on duty instead, I got CRAZY and stayed up until 10 many of the nights she was here. I KNOW WHO AM I?!
Kev still has four weeks until he can pick up Linc and I'm trying not to think about it. Maybe in the meantime I can train Aspen to hold Linc on his exercise ball and rock him to sleep... ?? No? Harumph.
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